Andrew Phillips
LEad Pastor
Andrew grew up in southern California, and loves the sun and outdoors. He has a BA in Theology, with a minor in Church Leadership. He has served in large and small churches as a youth pastor, associate pastor, and senior pastor. He and Rosanna have three children who serve alongside them.

Rosanna Phillips
Co Pastor and Worship Pastor
Pastor Rosanna grew up in church and can't imagine living life without Jesus. She has a B.A. in Theology with a minor in Christian Counseling, and has had many hours of training and experience in Early Childhood education. She loves to worship, especially while riding in the car with her kids. She has been married to Pastor Andrew since their junior year of college, and they have three children, Aaron, Abby, and Harmony. They love living life together, serving Jesus together, and learning together. Rosanna spends her free time using her hands to create with a variety of tools and materials, reading, and making music.